A New Mission Station in Culpeper, Virginia!
Great news!
By the gift of God's abundant Grace, His Eminence, the Most Reverend +Alexander, Archbishop of Dallas and the Diocese of the South of the Orthodox Church in America, has blessed St. Andrew's to establish a mission parish in Culpeper, VA - about 1.5 hours to the northwest.
Ss. Peter and Paul Orthodox Mission of Culpeper welcomes you to worship with them. Tell your family and friends! The mission meets 2x per month on Fri/Sat for Vespers and Divine Liturgy. Check out their calendar at the top of the page to see when services are scheduled. They'd love to see you there!
Go take a look at www.orthodoxculpeper.org !

"Where two or three together are gathered in My Name, there am I in the midst of them." Matthew 18:20
We glorify God for His richness and faithfulness to us. Several familes were hungry to found an Orthodox mission in Culpeper where the Lord could be worshiped in the fullness of Spirit and Truth. We gathered a few local families via social media. We reached out to local clergy. We agreed to come together in late August of 2021 at Sprinhaven Farm in nearby Boston, VA for a picnic/meet and greet as virtual strangers. We thought we would toss around a few ideas and feel out what was possible and see if we could generate some interest. We left there that night as a newly formed family with a vision to lay the cornerstone right there in our midst. Of course that cornerstone is Jesus Christ who is the foundation of every good effort. We progress toward continung to lay a solid foundation and have been officially established as a mission in the OCA's Diocese of the South. We have added many bricks to this newly laid foundation over the course of a few weeks and days. We hold regular services in the parish hall of St. Stephen's Episcopla Church in the town of Culpeper (115 N East St.). With the blessing of Archbishop Alexander, we have been given the name Ss.Peter and Paul Orthodox Mission. We are thankful for the efforts of Fr. Adam and St. Andrew's Orthodox Church in Ashland to help get us started and to sponsor us as our mother Church. We look forward to sharing the suport of the local Orthodox Church in Central Virginia while we do the good work of Christ here in Culpeper. May God bless this new mission to thrive and serve the needs of searching people. Christ is in our Midst! He is and alwyas shall be!
Click on the photo to the left and enjoy a few images of our joyful first gathering at the home of Peter & Helen Evans on 8/24/21
(14 images)