St. Andrew's Orthodox Church
117 Linden St - Ashland, Virginia
A Parish of the Diocese of the South (OCA)
2024 Annual Parish Encampment

Over the weekend of November 1-4, St Andrews parish gathered together for our much anticipated annual encampment. This year we were at Holiday Lake State Park near Appomattox, VA. 

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DOS Annual Assembly in RVA- Primatial Pontifical Divine Liturgy- St. Cyprian parish. Tonsure of Readers Romanos & Romanos

On Wednesday morning, October 30th, the Diocese of the South gathered at St. Cyprian parish in Midlothian for the Primatial Pontifical Divine Liturgy. Román Bohuk from St. Cyprian and Romanos (Adam) Brown from St. Andrews were tonsured as Readers. Glory to God for all things!

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DOS Annual Assembly- Banquet in Ashland

After the Vespers at St. Andrews, the clergy and bishops of the Dioces of the South and many of the faithful of St. Andrews and St. Cyprian parishes gathered for a festive banquet at the Historic Wigwam Crossing in Glen Allen. 

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DOS Assembly in RVA- Vespers at St. Andrews

On Tuesday, October 29, the bishops and clergy of the OCA Diocese of the South gathered at St. Andrews for Vespers. Present were 250+ clergy and faithful as well ast His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, His Eminence, Archbishop Alexander, and His Grace, Bishop Gerasim. 

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OCFL Parish Presentation

On Saturday, October 12, members of St. Andrews gathered to participate in a prolife presentation by Amber Nedreberg in her role as parish liaison for Orthodox Christians for Life. 

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Liturgical New Year Baptisms & Chrismations

Before Divine Liturgy on Sunday, September 1st, 7 souls were welcomed into the fullness of the Church through Baptism & Chrismation. Glory to God!

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FOCUS Backpack Project 2024

After Divine Liturgy on August 18, the children of the parish, with the help of some adults, prepared 100 backpacks and stuffed them with school supplies purchased with donations collected by the parish. This is the 8th year that St. Andrews has participated in this worthy endeavor that benefits children in need in the local Hanover County school district.  

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Nedreberg/Warren Baptism

On Sunday, August 18, babies Olga Nedreberg and Cyrus Warren were baptized in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Glory to God!

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Magyar Wedding

On Sunday, July 21, Maximos Magyar married Vera Hammond at St. Andrews. Crown them with glory and honor, O Lord!

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St. Andrews Ladies’ Tea

On Saturday, July 13, the St. Andrews ladies gathered for a high tea. 🫖

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Watson Baptism

Before Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning, June 23, baby John Watson was baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Glory to God! 

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Ashland Strawberry Faire

On Saturday, June 1, the St. Andrews men's group met at the Davis house for a cookout, fellowship, and strategizing future men's group philanthropic endeavors. 

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Sexton Wedding

Bede Patrick Sexton married Elizabeth (Jizelle Starr) Rodriguez at St. Andrews on St. Thomas Sunday. Crown them with glory and honor, O Lord!

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Lazarus Saturday Baptisms/Chrismations

On Lazarus Saturday we welcomed 13 souls into the fullness of Holy Illumination at St. Andrew's in Ashland. Glory to God! 

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Iconostas Beautification

On Saturday, December 15, the final icon was installed on our iconostas. It turned out looking most glorious!

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St. Nicholas visits St. Andrews

On Sunday, Dec 3rd, we had a very special visitor to our parish. The children sang to St. Nick and received small gifts of love. Even the big kids were given gifts!

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Parish Encampment 2023

Over the weekend of November 4th, St. Andrews headed ta da woods! Our usual spot was open at Westmoreland State Park on the beautiful Potomac River. This is always a favorite weekend of fun and fellowship. 

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Wedding of Sean & Emily

On Sunday, October 8th, Sean & Emily were betrothed and crowned in marriage. May God Grant them many blessed years!

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Reception of Converts - Feast of Pokrov

On Sunday, October 1st, the Feast of the Protection of the Mother of God, 3 souls were received into the Body of Christ through Baptism and Chrismation. May God Grant them many blessed years!

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Covelesky Baptism

On Sunday, September 10, baby James was Baptised in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. May God grant him many blessed years!

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Visit of missionary Hieromonk Silouan - Orthodox Africa

On Sunday, Aug 13, St. Andrews parish was blessed by the visit of Fr. Silouan Brown from Orthodox Africa. Father Silouan offered an excellent homily and gave a delightful presentation on his missionary work in and around Kampala, Uganda. May Christ give much strength and blessing to his servant! 

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FOCUS Backpack Project

On Sunday, July 30th, the parish children and parents helped stuff 100 backpacks for local school children in need. St Andrews has participated in this program for 8 years and counting!

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Hanover Youth & Family Festival

On Saturday, June 24th, the Church School & Youth Group kids represented St. Andrews at the Hanover Sheriff's Office Youth & Family Festivsl at Hanover Vegetable Farm. It was VERY hot but also a good experience in our community. 

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CPR & First Aid Training

On Saturday, June 17, members of St. Andrews underwent CPR & First Aid safety training as well as training in the use of our newly acquired defibrillator device. 

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Wedding of Eric & Brigette

On Sunday, May 28, Eric & Brigette were betrothed and crowned in marriage. May God grant them many blessed years!

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Orthodox Christians for Life National Baby Shower - PRC Visit

On Friday, April 28, after gathering items donated by parishioners during the OCFL National Baby Shower, St. Andrews children and adults visited and toured the Pregnancy Resource Center of Richmond. St. Andrews has been established as a member parish of OCFL as of 2023. 

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Lazarus Saturday Reception of Converts

On Lazarus Saturday, April 8, six souls were received into thr Body of Christ through Baptism and Chrismation. May God Grant all of them many blessed years!

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Installation of Icon Wall Frescoes

After a few weekends of trial and (just a little) error, our six new wall fresco icons depicting the great feasts of the Theotokos are now securely installed and they look excellent! 

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Wedding of Gregory & Salome

On Saturday, January 28th, Gregory & Salome were betrothed and crowned in marriage. Crown them with glory and honor O Lord! May God Grant them many blessed years!

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Ervin Baptism

On Sunday, January 15, baby Leo (Ernest) Ervin was Baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. May God grant him many blessed years! 

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Watson Baptism

On Sunday, January 8, baby Penelope was baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! May God Grant her many blessed years!

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2023 Theophany Blessing of the Waters

Great blessing of the Waters - South Anna River, Hanover Co, VA- Just outside of Ashland 

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Covelesky Baptism

On Sunday morning, 11/13, we welcomed Dismas and Elizabeth Covelesky into the fullness of the Church. We are so glad to have them with us.  May Christ our God Grant them many blessed years!

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Faith, Food, Fun at Randolph Macon College

At the invitation of the campus chaplain, St. Andrews was welcomed to take part in the Faith, Food, & Fun event held at Randolph Macon College's Brock Commons building. Students, faculty and staff were encouraged to peruse and especially to engage with the faith traditions represented. 

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Parish Autumn Encampment 2022

Over the weekend of Nov 4-6, St. Andrews was at Church Camp at Westmoreland State Park in Montross on Virginia’s Northen Neck. Beautiful fall colors and more than cooperative early November weather.

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Vargas-VanValkenberg Baptisms

On Sunday, 10/16, 3 children from our Northern Neck/Middle Peninsula mission outreach were baptized into Christ, Alleluiah! Glory to God!

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Foundation Remediation

Foundation Remediation - 10/15/2022

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Men's Monastery Pilgrimage to Holy Cross

Six of St. Andrew's fellas headed up for the weeked to the Hermitage of the Holy Cross in Wayne, WV on the weekend of 10/1. St. Andrews has a tradition of visiting the Hermitage as often as possible, interrupted slightly by 2020 & 2021. We look forward to returning very soon!

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FOCUS Backpack Project 2022

With great swiftness the children of the parish spearheaded a collection for bacpacks and school supplies for local Hanover Co school children. This the 5th or 6th year the children under Lana Campbell's direction were able to do ths project. The children stuffed 50 backpacks this year, our largest number to date. 

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20th All American Council in Baltimore

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Pascha 2022

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Holy Week 2022

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Palm Sunday 2022

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Lazarus Saturday - 9 New Souls

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Parish Outing - Man of God

Members of St. Andrews, St. Tikhons, and St. Cyprian parishes as well as a few guests gathered for the limited release viewing of "Man of God" - a splendid film about St. Nektarios of Aegina. Finished among the top 5 highest grossing films in the US the week it opened. Response was so entisiastic in the form of prepurchased tickets that a second viewing evening was offered nationwide. 

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Sunday of Orthodoxy 2022

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Rachel Patterson Baptism

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Theophany Lake Caroline Water Blessing 2022

On Sunday, 23 January, 2022, St. Andrew's parish joined St. Tikhon's ROCOR parish for the Great Blessing of Waters at Lake Caroline. 

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Chrysostom Glasco is Illumined

Chrysostom (CJ Glasco) is newly illumined in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

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Ervin Marriage Crowning

On Sunday, 17 October, Alyscia & Andrew Ervin were crowned in Marriage. Fr. John & Mat. Tamara Cook were their kumbari.

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Annual Diocese of the South Assembly at Christ the Savior Cathedral, Miami Lakes, FL

From 10/4-10/9/2021, The Diocese of the South met for the Annual Diocesan Assembly at Christ the Savior Cathedral in Miami Lakes, FL. During this assembly Fr. Adam received from His Eminene, Archbishop Alexander, the antimens fo the new mission parish, Ss. Peter & Paul in Culpeper, VA

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Baptism of Andrew and Romanos

Andrew Ervin & Romanos (Adam) Brown are baptized - 08/07/2021

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MacInnis Crowning

Mike and Laura MacInnis are crowned in Glory and Honor - 07/24/2021

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Enthronement of Bishop +Gerasim

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Ordination of Bishop +Gerasim

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Pascha Picnic 2021

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Great and Holy Pascha 2021

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Great and Holy Week 2021

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Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem - Palm Sunday

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Hannah Brown is Baptized - Lazarus Saturday

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St. Nick Visits St. Andrew's

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Areal Blessing of Ashland & Hanover Co

On Great and Holy Wednesday, during pandemic quarantine, Fr. Adam chartered a plane and flew above  Ashland and Hanover Co. with the icon of the Theotokos and the relics of the Holy Apostle Andrew and sprinkled holy water. 

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Watson Baptism & Chrismation

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Old Calendar Theophany w St. Tikhon's Parish

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Theophany South Anna River Blessing 2020

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Reynolds / Thompson Wedding

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Pantocrator and Seraphim Install

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2019 Parish Encampment

Westmoreland State Park- Montross, VA - 10/05/2019

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Campbell/ Sloyer Wedding

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Dormition 2019- Norfolk, VA -Subdeaconal Tonsure of Reader Blaise

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Chisholm/Strong Wedding

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Palm Sunday 2019

Crown them with Glory and Honor O Lord!

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Theophany River Blessing 2019

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Ordination to the Diaconate of Michael Chisholm

AXIOS! - 03/10/2003

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More pics from Chisholm Ordination

Chisholm Ordination - 03/10/2018

Photos of Chisholm Ordination

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Sunday of Orthodoxy at St. Andrews

. - 02/25/2018

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Iva Bell Sexton is Baptized!

As many as have been baptized into Christ... - 05/13/2017

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Jerusalem's Holy Fire comes to St. Andrews

. - 04/28/2017

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Parish Encampment 2016

Church in da Woods! - 09/11/2016

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St. Andrew's Onion Dome Project

To the Glory of God...

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His Grace +Alexander is Enthroned as Bishop of Dallas and the South

Eis Polla Eti Dhespota! - 06/11/2016

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2016 Diocesan Pastoral Conference - Birmingham, AL

St. Symeon the New Theologian Orthodox Church - 02/08/2016

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Holy Theophany 2016

. - 01/10/2016

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Archimandrite Juvenaly visits

. - 01/06/2016

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Boboc Baptism

Mirabella Maria - 01/02/2016

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St. Nicholas Party

. - 12/06/2015

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Parish Clean-up & Pie Bake-off & Chili Cook-off!

Work, Eat, Pray - 11/14/2015

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Welcome Baby Mirabella Boboc!

Welcome to the World! - 11/09/2015

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Crown them with Glory, O Lord!

Boboc Wedding - 10/25/2015

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Men's Pilgrimage to Holy Cross Hermitage - Wayne, WV

. - 10/16/2015

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Crown them with Glory and Honor O Lord!

Reynolds/Simerick Wedding - 09/12/2015

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Baptism of Christopher Reynolds

. - 07/26/2015

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18th All American Council

Atlanta, GA - 07/19/2015

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Harvest Gifts

The Harvest Is Plenty - 07/01/2015

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Memorial Day Parish Picnic

Remembering Those Who Served - 05/24/2015

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Walking Tour of Ashland

Discover Ashland - 05/17/2015

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Youth Program Event - Parish Garden Install

Youth Program Event - 04/25/2015

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Church Hill Activity & Tutoring - Cornhole Tournament

. - 04/18/2015

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Pascha 2015

. - 04/12/2015

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Holy Week 2015

. - 04/09/2015

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Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem!

Hosana in the Highest! - 04/05/2015

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5th Monday Feeding Program - March 2015

The least of these... - 03/30/2015

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Youth Program Event - The Martyrs' Joy

O holy Martyrs, who fought the good fight and did receive your crowns... - 03/28/2015

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The Triumph of Orthodoxy

This is our faith!... - 03/01/2015

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Children's Program - Love Your Neighbor

Sowing the Seeds of Love - 02/28/2015

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Annual Pastoral Conference & Special Diocesan Assembly

Nominating a Candidate for Bishop - 02/16/2015

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Family Fun at Richmond Cathedral

Cathedral Carnival Night - 02/13/2015

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What Makes a Saint?

Monthly Children's Program - 01/31/2015

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March for Life 2015

For Mother, For Child, For LIFE! - 01/22/2015

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King & the African Saints: A Bridge to be Built

John Gresham Lecture - 01/19/2015

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Holy Theophany 2015

Christ is baptized! In the Jordan! - 01/06/2015

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5th Monday Feeding Program

Last one for 2014! - 12/29/2014

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Here We Come a' Wassailing

Neighborhood Christmas Caroling - 12/19/2014

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Holy Father Nicholas

St. Nick Party - 12/06/2014

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Welcome Baby Javins!

Prayers at Birthgiving and 8th Day Namimg Prayers - 12/01/2014

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St. Andrew's Feast

Parish Patronal Feast - 11/30/2014

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Teresita Nino Maria Sexton is Baptised...

As many as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ, Alleluiah! - 11/08/2014

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St. Andrew's Parish Fall Encampment

In Da Woods!!! - 10/24/2014

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Great Feast of 'Svetitskhovloba' - the Life Giving Pillar

St. Tamar Georgian Church, Rockville, MD - 10/14/2014

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Sexton Family Pilgrimage - Sacred Monastery of St. Nino, Union Bridge, MD

. - 10/13/2014

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Faith Leadership Festival - Hanover County Sheriff's Dept.

. - 10/18/2014

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Pam Bailey is DONE with chemo!!!!

Ring that BELL!!! - 09/30/2014

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5th Monday Feeding Program

September 29, 2014 - 09/29/2014

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Baby Sexton is Here!...

Welcome Teresita Nino Maria! - 09/22/2014

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Fr. Mark Hodal Visits...

. - 09/21/2014

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Religious Ed Workshop - Greek Cathedral, Richmond

What Makes Us Orthodox? - 09/09/2014

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The Reader Paul Retires

God Grant You Many Years, Woody! - 08/31/2014

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St. Andrew's Annual Canoe Trip

Row Row Row Your Boat! - 08/23/2014

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Old Photo Night

Guess That Baby! - 08/22/2014

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Movie Nights

'God Is NOT Dead' - 08/15/2014

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2014 Diocesan Assembly - Dallas, TX

St. Seraphim of Sarov Cathedral - 07/21/2014

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Feast of Prophet Elijah & Vehicle Blessing...

Holy Prophet Elijah pray to God for us! - 07/20/2014

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Feeding Program

Feeding Program - 06/30/2014

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Parish 4th of July Picnic

Poor Farm Park - 06/29/2014

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Day Retreat to Norfolk - Fr. Chad Hatfield - Saints of Alaska

Dormition of the Theotokos Parish, Norfolk, VA - 06/21/2014

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Sexton House Blessing

House Blessing 2014

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Breakfast and Service Project for Resurrection Disaster Relief

Fixing up Miss Chrissy's Home

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Paschal Feast Celebration 2014

Let Us Be Illumined by the Feast of Christ's Resurrection! - 04/20/2014

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Pascha 2014

2014 Pascha - 04/20/2014

Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!

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2014 Holy Saturday Chrismations

2014 Holy Saturday Chrismations - 04/19/2014

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Great and Holy Friday

Do Not Lament Me O Mother, Seeing Me in the Tomb... - 04/18/2014

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Pilgrimage to St. John the Baptist Cathedral, D.C.

Travelling to venerate the icon of the Theotokos "Softener of Evil Hearts" - 04/05/2014

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Veneration of the Cross & Blessing of the New Exterior Cross 2014

Veneration of the Cross 2014 - 03/23/2014

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Feeding Program 1-30-17

Feeding Progam - 01/30/2017

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117 Linden St Ashland, VA 23005 804-798-4198

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